Ostar-ads + Springtime Hopes

Look! Duckies!

SPRING SPRANG—& the Fishman bills have PILED. To acquire more florins ahead of Ren Faire Season, we must have a SPONSORSTRAVAGANZA! With myself, Summersbane, & a legion of celebrity spokesfolk, we shall conduct the RITES OF OSTAR-ADS! Plus, we have uncovered the sinister reasons why Gollum followed us to The Shyre™…find out with us, Friday 8PT over on Twitch!

I hope ye had a fine equinox last night—did ye make use of any rituals? I pray ye at least had the chance to recharge! So many of our friends, fans, coven-members, & even our most dire enemies, feel stressed & strained. Evil seems to stalk in every shadow, misery come every morning, & villainy tightens its grips around the globe. But I have hopes:

May this Spring bring light for ye, & lighten thy burdens.
May ye see a rebirth of safety & comfort.
May conscience blossom in the rotten hearts of the world’s powerful.
& May ye be blessed with duckies upon thy heads.

I thank ye for reading, mortals, & hope truly that my wishes come to pass! Please consider passing this magick onto a friend—or perhaps a foe ye wish to convert to friend? The coven cannot grow without ye; & we thank also those kind & wise mortals who have begun to support us with $5 monthly right here in the Scriptorium! Ye fuel us, & guide us, & keep our magicks alive.

I shall write ye again come Saturday, with fresh art & THOUGHTS. Until then, look ye to the duckies…

Springly Cheers,
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Enduckied

Whee-hee-hee, duckies!

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