Celebrating Ostara in 2024

A guide to the Spring Equinox!

Time for some Spring cleaning!

The Wheel of the Year, ever-turning, brings us now to OSTARA! The Spring Equinox, landing this year on March 19th, brings with it renewal! Rebirth! An annual chance to spruce up thy space & self for the growth to come.

I love Winter—as does my cohost Summersbane—but the seasons wend on as they will, despite mankind’s best attempts to turn us toward ETERNAL SUMMER. So we must be thankful for Spring, while it lasts! Please try some of these ways to honor the coming of Spring, & the primordial goddess Ostara:

  • Switch out Wintertime clothes, décor, & altarpieces for the new season. Shorter sleeves, more pastels, & a sprig of thyme to replace the toxic-yet-jolly holly.

  • Hunt a hare, both for its delicious meat, & its soft fur. Use it to stitch thyself a “lucky rabbit’s foot,” a classic Springtime sign of mankind’s savagery.

  • Sacrifice an hour to Ostara (already completed! Huzzah)

  • Remove any overgrowths & poisons from thy life, to clear room for new blossoms. Still listen to Joe Rogan on occasion? CLEAR HIM OUT. Have a picture of ye with Nixon, signed by Nixon, in a large & embarrassing shrine to Nixon? BURN IT IN THY PIT.

  • Doughnuts! Every ritual act feels more powerful with DOUGHNUTS. Ostara would love one!

  • NOTE: All of the above ought to be completed in the nude. Or “skyclad,” if ye are Wiccan & embarrassed.

Have ye any Spring plans, mortals? Please tell me of them! & I hope ye found this guide to Ostara 2024 helpful. May this season bless ye with fresh hopes of good times to come.

Springly Cheers,
Amoenus Franco
Writer, Wizard, Skyclad

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