Weatherwax, Maxed

Notes on last night & next week!

Mage, Maiden, Bones

Such delights, last night! Thank ye to all who tuned in for MAXIMUM WEATHERWAX, where we rejoiced in having Cynthia on the same plane with us! We sang, we toasted, we conducted a monologue, Cynthia read some futures with Euchre tarot—& we bent many times to the WILL OF THE AUDIENCE. Ye are WELCOME.

We traversed the woods a bit more & immersed in ale a bit more after the show, hence the tardiness of this dispatch—an indulgence I hope ye can forgive. Below, find some thoughts on the alchemical process required to achieve last night’s show, & the plan for next week!

As we noted on the air, we sacrificed more than we planned when leaving the Demonweb—’twas that or stay, & who can defy the gods? (Well, we can, but not without a lot of prep). We had no InstaGoblins, nor means to craft more. Instead, I spent the greater part of the week concocting a horrid floating EYE, which contained machinery like unto what I have termed a “tele-vision operatory.” That is, a place of work, where things can be seen from far away! I assume this is a brand new coinage, & will not hear otherwise. Normally I issue commands to the InstaGoblins from my desk, but last night I had to step through the Trellis of Theatricality into the horrid floating EYE & conduct the show manually! What an ENORMOUS INCONVENIENCE. But ‘twas all worth it for a magickal night, & I hope ye enjoyed it, as the horrid floating EYE version of the show will be RARE.

Speaking of rare shows, next week—THE IDYLLWILD RENAISSANCE FAIRE RETURNS! We shall broadcast live to ye Friday night with a behind-the-scenes stream, touring the new grounds. Monday’s entry in the Scriptorium shall include our PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS, & if ye are interested in attending, ye can secure tickets at this web-site.

I shall write ye again come Monday with fresh art & words, in addition to the PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS. Thank ye to those who joined us last night, to the gracious tippers, to those who let Cynthia read their futures, and of course to all who can & do supply $5 monthly to support our works!

Until then, be safe, be well, & be NOT the maker of Cynthia’s feet website.

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Hobbit-Style Walker


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