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- Twelfth Night '25
Twelfth Night '25
(Or, "What Ye Wiz")

WASSAIL, mortals! I wished to say it one last-last time, afore the season fades to “Mere Winter.” Last night, we held our coven’s annual TWELFTH NIGHT feast. Summersbane, Cynthia, myself, & a few choice spirits & skeletons.
We blessed our lairs, performed pantomimes, wassailed the night away—all with powerful potables of ale, boar-flesh, & a sort of pastry not made in the mortal world since 1209. In other words, ALL THE TWELFTH NIGHT CLASSICS. & we also thought of next year, Twelfth Night ‘26…Assuming we & ye survive this onslaught of a year, perhaps that warrants a more massive Twelfth Night? Something to rival the feasts of auld, to outdo Old Fezziwig, to bring the our broader brethren together in a final burst of Wintrous joy! What think ye, mortals? Would ye attend a WizWorld Twelfth Night?
Spend the year to think upon it, & we shall keep ye updated as to our plans. But for now, I shall bask in the waning memories of this Twelfth Night, & the entire Christmastide. I reunited with old friends, spent precious time with the Three Stars whose confluence created me, & overall enjoyed this wondrous season. I hope ye found it equally peaceful.
We thank all who gave gorgeous gifts to us; to all who joined our holiday shows; & we thank foremost those who can & do provide a monthly gift to support our Scriptorium!
I shall write ye Wednesday with news of this cursèd year’s first “regular” show! ‘Til then—be safe, be well, et Christus mansionem benedicat!
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Wassailer Eternal