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- Through A Mirror, Bookly
Through A Mirror, Bookly
PLUS: "The Cultists of the Money-God!"

Clio & Carla, the Bookshop Besties!
Gaze with us, mortals—THROUGH A MIRROR, BOOKLY! This Friday, we shall encounter the two, the only, the BOOKSHOP BESTIES! Summersbane returns, Cynthia shall be with us—& I cannot wait ‘til ye see what the Besties have schemed for ye! We met them at faire last Summer, & formed an IMMEDIATE ALLIANCE, so I anticipate much joy—be there with us, Friday at 8PT!
Speaking of mirrors—mortalkind held a dark one up to itself, this week. & ye all stepped through into an unavoidable adventure: THE CULTISTS OF THE MONEY-GOD!

Lurking in every corner of the mortal world, pulling the strings of every moment, brave players must now face—whether they wish it or no—the CULTISTS OF THE MONEY-GOD! Their god demands sacrifice, & the cultists froth at their dorky mouths to fulfill their oath.
Though they recently seized absolute power, this cult has menaced the village of Merikwich for generations—perhaps the secret to their defeat, lies in the history of their rise? Face deadly oil-traps, sinister politicking, & several fresh takes on classic monsters! This fantabulously upsetting module includes full stats for creatures such as: the exhausting Crypto-Dragon, the embarrassing Ketamine Golem, the dastardly Divorced Goblin, & of course, Nazi.
Have ye the courage, luck, & solidarity needed to defeat them, mortals‽ We shall all see…
I hope this missive finds ye as well as can be, mortals. Verily, ‘t seems a grim time—but, was last week less evil? Last year? The cruelty shall accelerate, the stupidity shall intensify, but the mission remains the same: liberate mortalkind from the wealthy & soulless villains who keep it in bondage. Catch thy breaths, mortals, & then back to the fight, together. The Cult of the Money-God shall not defeat itself!
I thank ye all who read these dispatches, who join us for our shows, & we extend extra thanks to the growing legion of generous mortals who can & do support our works right here in the Scriptorium, for just $5 monthly.
I shall write ye come Saturday, after we peer THROUGH A MIRROR, BOOKLY. I feel in my very bones, that this shall be one ye MUST NOT MISS! ‘Til then—be safe, be well, & be ready to help. Many shall need it, & soon.
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Level 16 Mage-Skald