The Kwisatz Oligarch

& a hypothetical pond'rance of sabotage

BEL-CASH-ZZAR returns, mortals! Join us Friday to witness his first report of 2025 in THE KWISATZH OLIGARCH! Only the Moneysiah may lead humanity down the Gold Bullion Path—shall it be Musk the Nazi? Or Bel-Cash-Zzar the Finance Demon? Find out with us Friday at 8PT!

Speaking of Elon Musk—Nazi, billionaire, square-skulled business-bozo—below, find some thoughts on the “current situation.”

Dark times at the Burger Abbey

As the new Business Plot continues apace, mortals & mages alike find ourselves asking many questions. Plaintive queries such as, “Is this legal?” (nay, but that matters little); “Will this stop?” (not on its own); “Why is a viciously stupid blockhead like Elon Musk in control of this benighted world, this burning sphere of shadow & injustice?” (complex confluence of the twinned mega-hexes known as “Capitalism” & “White Supremacy,” also, Peter Thiel).

I find myself pondering a hypothetical: if I labored in the vast bureaucracy of a crumbling empire, & a usurper suddenly demanded I abandon my post that he might slaughter the people assigned to my care…would I simply comply? Would I not find some way to hinder his efforts, using some sort of guide produced by the agents of the very crumbling empire I would sabotage? Would I not spend time exfiltrating record-scrolls, gathering evidence of crimes, burning up indenture-parchments regarding debts of the citizenry…?

I cannot know. As ye may guess, I function poorly in bureaucracy, plagued by disdain for inefficiency & hierarchy. Bureaucracy & I tend to eject one another, with some intensity. But I would hope, some mortals out there know how they would act, in such a hypothetical empire. & I wonder how many would continue to comply?

Thank ye for reading, mortals, & if we were in that imaginary crumbling empire, I would also thank any mortals who took steps to stymie any usurper. We also as ever extend extra thanks to the generous mortal upgradors who can & do support our works with coin here in the Scriptorium! Bel-Cash-Zzar sent (by bat) a rather extensive rider for this appearance, & thankfully, our coffers were full enough to accommodate—THANKS TO THEE!

Come Hell or Worse Hell, dear mortals, we shall commune Friday! I hope ye shall be there to learn of THE KWISATZ OLIGARCH. In the meantime—be safe, be well, & remember, when the imperial guards stomp around looking to kidnap thy neighbors, ye legally can tell them to head directly to Hell!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Amateur Shoe Historian specializing in the Sabot


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