The Hollow Bowl

An Awful Abyss of Advertisement!

Each foe fouler than the last

Mortals—I BEG—please, sell me NAUGHT today! I fought my way through a marketing maelstrom on Sunday, part of that harrowing gauntlet ye name “SUPER BOWL.” All manner of slimy millionaires, hawking worthless wares, braying brand names & barking mad slogans. Not to mention, the parade of ghouls luring children into thine armies!

Between the warmongering, the belching about patriotism, & the soulless rich berating you into buying rotten ale & AI junk—mortals, how can ye stand it? How has this misery become a core facet of American life? The large men scarcely play any football now, so swamped in commerce is this unholiday! I would rant further, but as ye see, I must destroy this skeleton before he kidnaps any more lonely toddlers.

Gratias ago for reading, mortals! I am ever grateful that so many have signed up, & that we continue to grow as we begin YEAR II of our Scriptorium!

I shall write ye Wednesday with news of this week’s episode—’til then, be safe, be well, & be not swayed by wealthy hucksters! MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY MUST NOT BE TRUSTED.

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Brand-Loather


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