The Butlerian Hoedown

& some thoughts on the darkness ahead

HO, mortals! The future shadow of the Kwisatz Oligarch looms darkly into the now—& so this Friday, we launch a BUTLERIAN HOEDOWN against the prophecy! Cynthia Weatherwax shall be with us, & debut her latest grand working: WITCH NEWS! We must not let the Moneysiah emerge, & bind mortalkind to the Gold Bullion Path—watch on Friday at 8PT, & join our BUTLERIAN HOEDOWN!

Speaking of mortal matters—if ye observed Jarl Trump’s speech to the Ceremonial Congress last night, ye may feel an overwhelming sense of DREAD. From snout to tail, the entire evening flung one hex after another at us all, a foul DWEOMER OF DOOM. The Republicans & their oligarch masters seek to slay the living & feast on the marrow; they smile all the while, with bloodthirst in their dull eyes. Villains, one & all, openly threatening all Earth.

& those who style themselves thy saviors—the ones demanding thy hard-earned cash in donations to “Save Democracy”—how did they respond? How did they combat this dire threat? They sat, in little pink coats, with little silly signs, saying little & doing less.

Only one mortal, Al Green from Texas, showed any courage. As for the rest…well, will ye truly believe them the next time they claim they shall defend ye? Will ye ever donate again to little mortals holding up little signs? Doomed, indeed—but ye must not succumb to despair! ‘Tis a time of chaos, & suffering on the horizon. But chaos can be a ladder…if ye build it into one.

Now is the time when mortals must band together, & build together. Build communities, skills, new institutions. Build up new systems outside the crumbling systems that surround ye—failing systems which, owing to the doddering Jarl & his retinue of Ketamine-addled Klansmen, seem frail. Ripe for usurpation. But ye must not let the rich seize all the usurpation for themselves!

Spend some time thinking: what skills do ye possess? If thy community needed ye to step in & fill the gaps left by the evaporating American Empire, what might ye do? How might ye help, what might ye teach? Medicine, history—woodwork, like Cynthia?

A better world is possible, mortals, but it will not simply appear. The Democrats proved they cannot build a better world for ye—they cannot even imagine one. I believe not in Democrats, & each day, fewer mortals do.

But I believe in thee.

Cynthia Weatherwax, Woodwitch Supreme

Thank ye for reading, mortals! I appreciate all who receive our dispatches, & share them with friends (or foes). We thank also, of course, the growing number of generous mortals who can & do support our works here with coin!

I shall write ye again Saturday morning, after the show. I hope ye shall join our BUTLERIAN HOEDOWN on Friday! ‘Til then—be safe, be well, & remember, when it comes to building a better world: measure twice, & cut once.

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Anarchoptimist


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