Slimey al-Gob!

& the men Cynthia loves not

Li’l Aiydenn—the Splish-Splash Bandersnatch

A slimèd morning to ye, mortals—I hope ye caught last night’s show? If not, flee immediately to the replay! For we witnessed the emergence of the SLIMEY AL-GOB—a child foretold, who shall unify goblinkind, known to ye of course as LI’L AIYDENN. All thanks to the mystical Gob Jabbar, administered by a ritualed-up SLURS THE TOILET! PLUS, Cynthia Weatherwax returned to our show with an incredible new report, “OH NO BROS & MENDED MEN,” all about the sorts of men she loves!

Including men who ignore her, men with extended tenure at Trader Joe’s, wizard talk show hosts (platonically), ghosts, & simply, “men who work,” Cynthia presented an all-timer that also invented the concept of “net nice.” That is, mostly positive, with some negatives, but overall a “net nice.”

Below, find a net not-nice list of men that Cynthia did not mention loving—men that, for a fact, I know she hates.

Clearly she enjoyed the segment’s theme music

The Unloved & Unlikeable
  • Men who bother her

  • Men who bother other women

  • Bill Maher

  • Bill Maher fans

  • Joe Roganites

  • Markthew F. (he knows why)

  • Hitler, obviously

  • Hitler fans

  • Henricus Institor

  • Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General

  • Pointless men

  • Wyrm-men

  • Policemen

  • Dr. Frankenstein (monster OK)

Gratias agimus, mortals, for reading! We thank also the wonderful full house who watched along live last night, & of course, we thank the generous mortals who can & do support our works with coin on Twitch, through tips, & the Upgraydors right here in the Scriptorium!

I shall write ye come Monday with fresh art & a tale! & I hope ye may join me in watching the Fight Opera show tonight, at 7PM Texas Time! ‘Til Monday—be safe, be well, & SLIMEY AL-GOB!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Fremage


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