Shasta Schedule + Faire Survival Tips!

Come prepared...for the time of thy life!

A faire approacheth! Huzzah!

HEAR YE, mortals, & mark me well—our first faire of the season looms ahead! This weekend, May 25th & 26th, we travel back to the Shasta Renaissance & Fantasy Faire! This shall be our third year performing there, at the wonderful Shasta District Fairgrounds, & we VIBRATE WITH ANTICIPATION. Ye can catch us, both days, on Ye Olde Castle Stage at 11:30, 1:30, & 3:30! Plus, we shall broadcast live at our usual time—8PM Pacific Friday night—with a special behind-the-scenes stream on Twitch!

We cannot wait to regale ye with MAGICK! MERRIMENT! & our trademark PERILOUS GAZES INTO THE FUTURE! If ye come along to see us this weekend, or visit any faires this year, I hope ye carry with ye the following pieces of TREASURED WISDOM on how to survive & thrive in the ren faire environment:

Ren Faire Survival Tips

  1. Bring water! Hydration, essential to all mortal life, becomes doubly crucial at any renaissance faire. Though the weather at Shasta this year seems poised for gentle tranquility, faires in late Spring & early Summer often mean much time on foot, in the Sun, with long lines for refreshment. Bring thine own water, & slake thirst at thy leisure!

  2. Avoid the wretch-pits! Though patrons deserve respect & respite, those who misbehave are often sent to the wretch-pits. There, left slowly to rot, the miserable miscreants devolve into grey worms. Is that how ye wish to live?

  3. Bring coin! Verily, many vendors & innkeeps at faires now accept the plastic cards which chain ye to lifetimes of debt, but performers feast upon coin! If ye enjoy a show, grant a tip! If ye wish to take a picture, or have thy fortune foretold, or to consult upon the correct hex for a beloathèd landlord or boss, jangle thy coinpurse! Plus, ye never know when a craftsman may be more willing to haggle for a few florins which remain invisible to Uncle Sam’s prying eyes…

  4. Know the Ode! Every faire has an ode, which will summon that faire’s Chthonic Guardian. If enough are summoned across the globe this year, the Guardians will unite to drive back The Void. So please, mortals, sing!

  5. Bring a playful spirit! I do not mean a pixie—though ye certainly can & should bring one—but rather, an openness & eagerness for silliness! At a faire, there are many opportunities to let go the burdens of the world, to drop the heavy pretenses of modern life, & escape into a never-place. If ye say “AYE” to shouting “HUZZAH,” to prancing with folk dressed as mushrooms, to wizards asking to read thy future, ye will have more fun!

  6. Bring a willing sacrifice! This one ought to be obvious, but many mortals forget.

If ye have any tips to share, please, leave a comment on the “web” version of this missive! Other mortals need thy wisdom!

With that, I hope to see ye this weekend, mortals! If ye need tickets—presales apparently are quadruple last year’s—simply visit this link. We & I could not possibly be more thrilled to return! Thank ye to all for reading, who have supported our work, & to those who have contributed ducats & denarii to our travel fund. See ye there, or online on Twitch on Friday! Huzzah! BRING COIN FOR MEAD

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Excited

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