Shasta Ren Faire Report!

We are so tired

GREETINGS, MORTALS—I write ye bouncing in the back of our wagon, voyaging home after a most triumphant weekend at the Shasta Renaissance & Fantasy Faire! We imbibed a barrel of mead, drank a dozen barrels of water, & bewitched hundreds of mortals across our six shows! I have collected here some photos & memories of the weekend for ye:

Two Scurvy Barnacles, & lordly King James

This year marked our third at this faire, which lies far from our tower but is well worth the journey. I feel as if our powers grow best there, & it levels us up before the rest of our season. We played on Ye Olde Castle Stage, which had no castle, but did have TOTAL SHADE. That saved Summersbane’s undead skin from crisping, & provided welcome respite from the foul SUN.

We reunited with many old friends, like our mentor Jester Jeff, the dynamic duo Shrewd & Knavishe, the Scurvy Barnacles, & his majesty King James! Out of courtesy, we refrained from fomenting a peasant rebellion. This one time.

We were also graced with a special musical guest on Saturday, the kind & talented Mark Sellin of the Story Wrens! We try to always feature FUN! MAGICK! & MUSIC! in our shows, & when Cutie Berry the Tír na nÓg Faerie cannot be with us, we love to find friendly bards to join in. Every show is different—as our many returning fans will attest!

Many magickal beings roamed with us this weekend, including Waldo

Faires encourage mortals to create & revel, & seeing that on display brings MUCH JOY. We met many incredible folk, with amazing costumes, wondrous makeup, hand-made puppets, & even Waldo, who has been found.

We also had many wonderful encounters during our show, with mortals of all ages earnestly seeking dark knowledge of the future. Like the young gal who tricked Odin, the patron who returned because we correctly foretold her brother's future last year, & the cheerful non-union electrician. We must however not forgot mortals like the gentleman in the bizarre right-wing “PEEING OUTSIDE” t-shirt, the “Wizards of Waverly Place” fan who accused us of ripping them off, & the one landlord who had the bravery to admit to it during the “BOO LANDLORDS” segment, for unwittingly providing such amusement.

We thank the staff & volunteers at Golden Goblin for building such a lovely faire! patrons who fill it with delight, & the viewers & readers whose support makes these road shows possible! Now we must rest, for in a mere four days, we venture forth again, to the first-ever Yosemite Chivalry & Fantasy Festival!

I shall write ye Wednesday with some art, a tale, & our schedule for Yosemite. And, we will stream behind the scenes there on Friday at 8PM Pacific—with Cutie Berry! Until then, mortals, be safe, be well, & hydrate…

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Sleepy

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Viking, Enchanter, Mage, Deadhead

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