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- Ready for Arachnotheosis?
Ready for Arachnotheosis?
Meeting Lloth, Escaping the Demonweb!

Friday we confront LLOTH—the spiderous spectre haunting our every step in the Abyss, the Spider Queen of the Demonweb Pits, our CAPTOR & GUEST! Our quest for arcane ascension must resume, & what better way than by confronting a deity? Will we escape? Will we disappoint our deity, impress them—usurp them? Find out this Friday at 8PT, as we attempt ARACHNOTHEOSIS!
Never have ye ever confronted a deity before? FEAR NOT. I have prepared a simple DO ET DO NOT for ye, right here:
Meeting the Spider Queen
DO: Kneel & supplicate. Lloth demands it!
DO NOT: Stand & pontificate. Lloth hates it!
DO: Bring a spider. “Spiders” is kind of their whole “deal,” alongside “causing chaos.”
DO NOT: Squish the spider (this was my error, for which we were cast into the Demonweb in the first place…)
DO: Badmouth other deities. Lloth will eat it up, which will delay them eating THEE.
DO NOT: Badmouth spiders. That may seem obvious, but many mortals cannot help themselves.
DO: Avoid picking up the platinum egg left behind when Lloth flees the Prime Material Plane (as depicted in the classic Q1 “The Demonweb Pits”).
DO NOT: Pick up that egg. This is SERIOUS. It features a horrid geas which compels ye to enter the Demonweb, plus, ‘tis SLIMY.
DO: Bring a magical weapon (of at least +1 enchantment), gallons of holy water, & several scrolls of Lower Resistance (as Lloth naturally sports 70% magic resistance).
DO NOT: Let Lloth find out ye brought any of that to thy friendly talk show appearance. They will be SO mad, & ye shall be SO slain.
DO: Prepare many questions, to allow the deity to talk about themself while ye prepare the holy water.
DO NOT: Spend the whole time talking about thyself. ‘Tis both rude, & tactically unsound!
& finally, DO: Allow the deity time for plugs.
DO NOT: Allow the deity time for escaping through one of their enchanted mirrors, which shatters into a million pieces after they use it. Ye shall NE’ER find them again, not even with a Pigeon of Booking.
I hope ye feel somewhat more prepared for ARACHNOTHEOSIS, mortals! If not, if we fail, well, fear not: I am told life as a horrid half-spider DRIDER can be quite fun!
Half-spider I may become, but for now, I am full-gratitude! Thank ye to all who read our dispatches, to all who send them to others, & we especially thank all those who can & do spare $5 monthly to support our works!
Until Friday—be safe, be well, & MAKE PEACE WITH DIVINITY!
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Quietly putting back up every cobweb he has ever cleansed