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Premium Discount Wiztertainment
& dreams of Shoshana

Last night delivered more laughs per dollar than thy mortal scientists claimed were possible! What a fantastic time—of goblins half-off, of tarotic foretellings, of Shoshana the Mermaid! If ye missed out, catch the replay, instanter!
We hope that last night’s appearance by “The General” (full name revealed in last night’s episode), shall mark merely the first of many collaborations with the delightful mortals at StoryQuest. If ye happen to find thyself in the Los Angeles area this Sunday, allow thyself the pleasure of seeing StoryQuest live at the Westside!
& scroll down below for news about the forthcoming harrowing CYBER MONDAY…

Lesser organizations utilize “CYBER MONDAY” as a terrifying way to squeeze more money from the rapidly-impoverished public. Here in the WizWorld coven, we operate on a more enlightened level, & are “bad at business.” Thus, on Monday, the newsletter shall contain a “hyper-link” to a repository of several merchandise designs, transfigured by the InstaGoblins for mortals, for free! Ye may print them onto stickers, shirts, bowls, daggers, whatever items ye wish—we ask only that ye not use them for profit, & that ye not print them onto anything lurid nor creepy.

Thank ye to all who joined us live last night, to all who read these dispatches, & we especially thank those generous beings who can & do support our works by ascending to upgradehood here in the Scriptorium.
I shall write ye come Monday with fresh art, a tale, & the “freed merch” repository. Until then—be safe, be well, & have pleasant dreams of Shoshana…
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Half On