Pre-Llowe'en MURDER?!

No way, dude!

Cynthia as “Rosie the Accident-Prone Riveter”

“Happy” Pre-Llowe’en, mortals?? Or so I would greet ye, an we had not SUFFERED MURDER. A happy day, levity abounding, so crushed by CRUEL KILLING. Cynthia survived—after a most-magnificent-monologue—but next week, Summersbane & I shall broadcast DIRECT FROM HELL. An ye missed the merry mayhem, absorb the replay here!

Next week, on “WizWorld DEAD,” we needs must broadcast a “normal” talk show, but also, solve OUR OWN MURDERS! We kindly beseech ye, for thy detectively aid! Read on, for the clues thus far to the crime:

Saluting “Steve Trevor” // Banter with “Orson Wheels”

MOTIVE: Uncertain. Possibly: Hatred of fun comedy, or, acquisition of infinite power. Could go either way.

MEANS: Foreknowledge of “Summon Broadway Beetlejuice” segment; access to segment-segue mechanism; implantation of lethal explosive material into mechanism. Access generally restricted to InstaGoblins.

OPPORTUNITY: Pretty obvious, Detective. Not worth spending much time on this, is there? Mayhap re-check the “Means” section, Detective. I hope ye are a detective, Detective, or else this segment shall read fairly callous & delusional, Detective.


Who could it be? We shall find out—so we hope—next week, on WIZWORLD DEAD!

From Hell, we thank ALL who support our works—by reading, by bits & subs, et by direct subscriptions here in the Scriptorium! I shall write ye come Monday with the final folio of this year’s SAMHAIN SOJOURN. Until then, be safe, be well, & be wary of any pyrotechnics

Wizard, Writer, Dead pro Tempore


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