Out for a Stroll

With eyes at my back...

Who goes there? Besides myself…

Freed from the Abyss, with faire season behind us, I felt a need to return to routine. I enjoy wanderings, nightly (daily, before climate change dragged Summer into Fall). In the Abyss, they were dangerous; at faire, one simply has no time! Ye spend the day hiking around the grounds, from tent to stage to tavern to stage…wandering fits in nowhen, there. & so…

I returned to a familiar ruin, in the hills above a forgotten village, nestled amongst trees that shall not survive the hot decades to come. A fine site to ponder, to brood, to take in fleeting sights as the World-That-Is melts into the World-That-Was. As I trudged about, checking for traps & rot-spots with my staff, I felt eyes upon my back—& not the two I expect. The skeleton I know; he lived here, back when anyone lived here. He says little, & never his name, but watches only. Only grave-robbers he bothers, not tomb-ramblers.

Nay, these eyes felt different: creeping, penetrating, as though they belonged to an overgrown worm, with malice alone inside its heart. I turned about—nothing. Down a stair I went, & turned again—nothing, though I swore I heard the scrape of a boot against stone. As any seasoned stravaiger knows, strange sounds abound on any lonely leg-about—usually a bird or beast or passing shade. But I shall keep mine eyes behind me until I reach my tower again, for I know something worse follows to-day! I sense a pathetic potentate, a billionaire baron with no talent nor soul, in a dangerous mode: hungry for more, & beset by divorce. Do ye see him, mortals? Know ye his name? & do any of ye know how one might scare him into the shadows fore’er?

I hope ye do. Until I hear from ye, I shall keep a-strolling, cautiously…

I hope this Monday brings ye blessings & nice things, mortals! & I hope ye enjoyed this slice of sorcerous life. For the next few Mondays, leading to Samhain, expect a new three-part-adventure! & on Wednesday, I shall write ye with news of this week’s show, which features INCREDIBLE GUESTS.

I thank ye all who watch our shows, read our missives, & we give especial thanks to the kind & generous mortals who support our work with subs, with bits, with donations, & with memberships here in the Scriptorium!

See ye Wednesday, mortals—be safe, be well, & be on the lookout for any creeping, leaping parasites! I hear they thrive in Election Season…

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Walkmancer


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