Now & Theoden! + Notes on Souls

Much to ponder on this Wendesday...

FRIDAY—we enter the Golden Hall of Meduseld, to confront THEODEN! I wonder what hospitality we may find, at the tables of Edoras Ltd.? Find out with us! Bring some hay, if ye please…

In the meantime! Please enjoy this Summers-morsel from the archives, with some musings on the use of souls:

As many fans (& initiates) know, one of Summersbane’s many masteries is THE SOUL ITSELF. Its nature, & substance; his own, those of others. “Souls,” he often says, “have many surprising uses.” He says this in a tone so unsettling that it frightens even mules, & so ye know it must be true. This image captures him out in space, planting one of his many phylacteries.

For the literally uninitiated, a phylactery in this context is a repository for a piece of one’s soul. While mere mortals waste their valuable souls, carving off pieces to hand to their police chief, or battalion captain, or Mark Cuban, the dark sages who cut theirs away do so to live forever. As mortals slice & cut for brief flashes of wealth & illusory power, the grimmest galdras exchange theirs for a piece of forever. Where fools diminish their souls with cruelties, chipping away at it every time they harm a child, or starve a family, or be Mark Cuban, the truly wise—for they do possess wisdom, even if evil—grow theirs, by use of the terrible herb [REDACTED FOR MORTAL SAFETY - ed.]. So the next time ye consider spending a bit of that soul, consider immortality instead! Simple, ne?

Thank ye for reading, mortals, & I hope ye shall join us Friday 8PT for “Now & Theoden!” Be well, be safe, & please remember to share this with friends to help us grow!

Amoenus Franco
Writer, Wizard, Soul-Haver

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