Notes from the Abyss

& an attempt to Sow Hope!

Levity & life with Orcus Tenebrous, Demon-Prince of Undeath

Joy—Mirth—Delight—words uncommon in the Abyss, but apt descriptions of last night’s show! Despite the news, & despite broadcasting from a pocket of the horrid Demonweb, I think we put on QUITE AN EPISODE. If ye missed out, or wish to relive the merriment, utilize THIS VERY LINK!

For those concerned about Paddy O’Lefty, rest easy: we found him afterward & cheered him up with pictures of GUILLOTINES. This seemed to fill him with many ideas, & fond memories of good times past. Also, for those concerned as to why he were “tricking a rabbit out of his gems” at a “puddle in Kilkenny,” I am glad to inform ye that the rabbit were a cop, & the gems were redistributed to poorer rabbits. HUZZAH FOR PADDY!

Prince Orcus, Demon-Lord of Undeath, turned out rather wonderful, all things considered. It turned out he had moved to streaming during COVID, as so many of us did; he left behind the skeleton armies, the wars upon the Sun itself, & so forth, to pursue higher ROI online. Who could blame him? We thank him for his hospitality, his time, & his many insights on the matter of ASCENSION.

I know all seems grim, mortals, particularly on the heels of the horrowshow called “DEBATE.” But, I never wish to spread mere despair. Before I wrap up this missive, I want to reassure ye that, e’en if this civilization should end, so has each civilization before ye. Indeed, America itself rests upon the uneasy bones of civilizations it failed to slay. The only sane response to imperial collapse: SOLIDARITY. The stronger thy community, whether local or remote, the better ye shall weather the trials to come. Build bridges, strengthen bonds, help & commune with those ye can! No empire falls gracefully, but with solidarity & community, we may ride it out in more comfort than most.

Speaking of collapse, I notice a certain ignorance in the leadership class regarding the skills needed to fight evil cults, like those on the right. In the spirit of strengthening community, in Monday’s edition, I shall publish a bit of art alongside a guide to BATTLING EVIL CULTS! Essential information for anyone in a leadership position, in America or any other nation, based on my & Summersbane’s centuries of battling (& leading) evil cults!

Until then, thank ye to all who joined us last night, thank ye to all who read these missives, & thank ye to the growing number of kindly beings who can + do spare $5 monthly to support our works. Be kind, be well, & be ready to kneel at Orcus’ throne if he should demand supplication (18+ only).

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Abyss-Enjoyer

Giggling, Summoning, Leprechauning

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