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- The Moon, The Sun, The Me
The Moon, The Sun, The Me
Reflections on a Full Moon-Solstice-Birthday

The Summer Solstice—the Full Moon—MY BIRTHDAY. A powerful celestial triumvirate! I thought perhaps, on this momentous annual conjunction, that I might relay some reflections on my over 6,000 years of existence—& why not? Buoyed as I am by last night’s PARTY IN THE UNDERDARK, e’en though we wound up consigned to the DEMONWEB PITS themselves, I find myself in a loquacious mood…

Goblin above, Witch below, magick every which-way!
I was born of the confluence of three stars, over 6000 years ago, before mortals reckoned time; this undoubtedly gave me something of a leg up. I wish every mortal could spend their formative years in the company of three stars, or at least ONE. I know ye have a Sun, but, he clearly has little interest in parenting…
After an unknowable aeon, drifting as an energy being, I incarnated on Earth, in a region some now call LOMBARDY. This world was, frankly, a disappointment, after my time in the company of the stars. I resolved to leave the world better than I left it—a mission which is, unfortunately, still in progress.
I chose, for my body, an amalgam of local types—some nearby, some farther North, some farther West, & I even sought a bit from the future, adding what would someday be called “Hawai’ian.” The relatively primitive Roman & Gaelic cultures of the time…did not notice nor care. They had no concept of “race” as ye know it now, & frankly, they would be utterly baffled by it. “Race” was invented during that “Renaissance” so many of ye think was so “keen,” & ‘tis absolutely one of mortalkind’s worst ideas! Right up there with nuclear weapons, gun weapons, weapon weapons, & soup.
I spent time with the Romans; at first, they seemed nice enough. But then, as advisor to Iulius Caesar, I encountered the Druids, & the concept of WAR. Immediately, I broke things off with Liu-Liu, disgusted by the horrors & his lust for violence. Lust itself, I could understand—but for violence? Truly perverse. & so I spent some time with the Druids, in their waning days, & came to know the pain of loss.
They also taught me the joys of the Moon & Sun, of the tree & flower, of the long cycles of the world & the short cycles of Man. I wish ye could have met them, dear mortals. Little trace of them remains; I hold my memories of them close, perhaps selfishly. But I wish ye would listen to those who carry on their spirit, those who rebel against extinction, & strike blows against the Oil-Romans in their towers of glass. They would trade Stonehenge for a living world, without a thought.
On this confluence of Solstice, Full Moon, & Birthday, I hope ye will take much time to listen—to the stars, the signs, the world. Bathe in the light of dear Mahina; take solace in the shadow that Sol brings, e’en as he scorches; & look up, over, all about, to see the brave lives that rebel against the onslaught of mankind’s pavers. Birds a-singing, trees a-blooming, bees a-buzzing, life all about!
I will do ye not the disservice of pretending every moment must be a gift; some moments are rather terrible. There is little to cherish about watching a Roman legionary massacre an entire island of nature-loving Celts. But when ye find a good moment, a space of peace amidst the ever-churning atmosphere of war, ye must cherish that. Take a breath, gulp down the moment, relish in any kindness & happiness ye can find. & then, an ye have the energy & resources, turn that around to make happiness & do kindness to others. We are all of us together hurtling through life, & why not bring more peace than pain?
I must end here, lest I ramble unto 10,000 sappy words. This hardly scrapes the surface of my life—my marriage to Titania, Queen of Faerie; my centuries of captivity; the 80s; meeting Summersbane, Cynthia, & my many other friends & foes. But follow ye along here, & in time ye shall know my tales.
Thank ye for this indulgence, thank ye to all who attended the celebrations last night, & thank ye to all who can & do tithe $5 monthly to support our works! If ye enjoy our show, art, tales, podcast, or e’en simply “the vibe,” know that ye are appreciated.
I shall write ye come Monday with new art, & perhaps photographs of the special bonus party taking place on Earth this very day! Until then, stay safe, be well, avoid upsetting any Drow priestesses—Oh!—& also, beware of TIM, the Mind-Flayer. He is LOOSE.
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Birthday-Being

Angry priestess; Tim the Mind-Flayer; Drizzt Do’Urden, CIA lackey