Mage Libs, Folio II! - Silly Fun

"Mad Libs" but about us, get it?

Mage Libs! Oh, tee hee!

Freshly escaped from the Demonweb—& aware of the dire situations on the Prime Material Plane that await us—I thought I might send ye a silliness this morning: MAGE LIBS! Folio II! The wordly puzzles ye know as “Mad Libs” are, of course, merely a shadow of a more powerful artifact from a more magickal world. Reproduced here is the second set, ne’er before seen by mortal eyes! May they bring ye amusement!

For those who know not: replace the words highlighted in GREEN to produce thine own unique versions of the stories! Copy & paste the text, using a magical tablet or computing machine, to a document—or use the attached “file!” These diversions are perfect for a long bus ride, or long zeppelin ride, or while awaiting the return of a lost love.

Summersbane’s Sunday

The cannibalistic conjuror Soren Summersbane whistles (OBSCURE MEDIEVAL SONG) as he (DISTURBING MOVEMENT VERB)s through the alleys of (COASTAL ITALIAN TOWN). His (MATERIAL) basket, full of (SPECIFIC BONE)s, swings on his undead arm. His lolling Deal-Eye locks onto an incredible savings! Only (AMOUNT OF RARE MONEY) for an entire (EXTINCT BEING) corpse!? ‘Tis quite literally too good to be true! Summersbane draws his (EXCITING MAGICKAL OBJECT), which (COOL VERB)s with an aura of (EVIL EMOTION). The vendor shouts “(SCARED ITALIAN WORDS),” before fleeing. Ah, a hunt! Just what the necromancer needed. Today shall certainly be an (ADJECTIVE) Sunday!

Fight, Fiammuccio!

Tireless fighter for justice, the ascended dragonet Fiammuccio adjusts his (BRIGHT WORD) belt. After destroying the Elon Husks, avenging his (NICE BUT SAD ADJECTIVE) wife & baby, Fiammuccio wanders the planes, searching (ADVERB) for wrongs to right! Before him now stands (SPECIFIC EVIL GUY), a true (MEAN WORD)! The little dragon’s eyes sparkle, & his flames warm, as he says, “(FIAMMUCCIO’S NOBLE & INTENSE OATH)!” Go get ‘em, Fiammuccio!

Magister’s Meditation

Worried about (LOOMING SIGN OF EARTH’S DOOM)? Try the “Magister’s Meditation,” like Amoenus! First, breathe (ADVERB). Then, think briefly about (LOOMING SIGN OF EARTH’S DOOM), becoming (SYNONYM FOR DESPONDENT). If ye feel (BAD FEELING), ‘tis working! Now, conduct (OBSCURE RITUAL THOUGHT TO BE MERE LEGEND), summoning (HORRID POWER FROM BEYOND TIME), & command it to eat (CAUSE OF LOOMING DOOM). Finally, exhale. Phew! Amoenus hopes ye feel (NICE FEELING) now.

I look forward to hearing what wacky tales ye construct, mortals! Be sure to share them in the comments, or show our InstaGoblins on social media!

I hope truly that, despite all, ye are well this morning. Thank ye for reading, thank ye for playing with us, & thank ye to all who can & do spare the florins to support our work with $5 monthly. I look forward to writing ye again on Wednesday, with news of this week’s Cashy Awards! Until then, stay (POSITIVE STATE), & be sure to (SAFE BUT THRILLING VERB)!

Amoenus Franco
Writer, Wizard, (IRONIC NOUN)

Mage Libs Folio II.rtf92.06 KB • RTF File


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