Mabon, upon us!

Hated Summer behind, cold ahead!


Rejoice, mortals! The Wheel of the Year turns, Summer fades, & MABON springs upon us! A time of welcome change, when cooler skies prevail. A time to harvest what we sowed in Spring & Summer! A time to hope for rains, to douse foul Summer’s lingering flames. A time to recuperate, to feast, to breathe.

What did ye sow, mortals? What harvest ye now? Or, are ye simply resting? I would not presume either way—Autumn is not a time for assumptions & orders. But I would like to know what ye plan for Mabon! E’en if that something, is nothing. Please leave a comment on the “web-page” version of this missive!

As for myself, Summersbane & I shall spend our Mabon preparing for IDYLLWILD! What a joy, to return to this festival as the Wheel turns. Below, find the important EVENT INFORMATION.

Harvesting ‘neath a Harvest Moon, with a Harvest Raven & a Harvest Scythe.

Wednesday, I shall write ye with…a surprise! Please also bear in mind that, rather than our normal show, this Friday night we shall provide a BEHIND-THE-SCENES stream from our camp, exploring the Idyllwild faire’s new grounds. In addition—as this reaches thy inbox, know that I have reconstituted an InstaGoblin to respond to all thy comments! BACKLOG CONQUERED.

Thank ye to all who read these dispatches, to all who harvest (or rest) this Mabon, & in particular we thank all who can & do reap $5 monthly to support our works here. Be safe, mortals, be well, & be sure to sharpen thine Harvest Scythes! A dull Harvest Scythe makes for a dull Mabon, I always say. Aye, ALWAYS. If ye believe I have ne’er said this afore, ye have not been LISTENING.

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Mabor


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