King ObeRon's Return! + Baboon Encounter

What a lovely night for a chariot...

The four of us, striking the same pose all at once

Last night, we met with our old frenemy KING OBERON! Taunter of wizards, husband of ex-wives, low USURPER OF ROHAN—and yet…pledger of riders! Foe of Elon Husks! Though he may eat Wormtongue alive, he may also provide the allies we need to end the Husks! Such is the duality of ObeRon…

We also had quite a lovely time riding through Edoras in our chariot! Sitting unused since 2021, ‘twas nice to take it out for a spin again. If ye missed the magick, head over to watch the replay on Twitch! & continue on below for a brief recollection of my ENCOUNTER WITH THE BABOON!

A chariot built for two

Two years ago, I spent the better part of that bitter Spring on the hunt for a POWERFUL PRIMATE. A trail of dead warlocks led me to a reeking lair on the outskirts of the wretched town known as FALSE KLAMATH. Step by step, inch by inch, I crept into the crypt, & beheld a horrible sight: a BABOON, draped in a Freemason’s apron! He wore an imbecilic pyramid hat, & seemed to worship Aleister Crowley. This baboon buffoon, I sneered, slew all those mages? Then slowwwly he turned, beheld me back, & began flinging CRYSTALS. We battled for seven days, wrought horrible destruction, & in our exhaustion, forged a fragile peace. He is likely still out there, somewhere, stalking the shadows of sorcerers—so the next time ye see a baboon, beware: he may just be a wizard…

I hope ye enjoyed the show last night, & this missive today. We thank all who turned out to watch us live, who had such fun with us in the chat, & all who read with us here in the Scriptorium! Please consider supporting our work with $5 monthly, if ye do not already, & be sure to share these tales with friends who may enjoy them.

I shall write ye again come Monday with a new tale. Until then, be well, enjoy the weekend, & keep a wary eye on thy local hominids!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Baboon-Battler

The beast in his stinking operatory

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