Idyllwild: Resurrection — Part II

Reflections & Memories of a wondrous weekend!

HO, MORTALS! Greetings from our RESTING CHAMBER, where Summersbane & I must spend several days recovering our energies after the incredible IDYLLWILD RENAISSANCE FAIRE! I shared some tales & images in the last dispatch; below find more details, deeper thoughts, & a FIRESTORM OF GRATITUDE.

Fae Dealmakers & THE Gandalf

Our first-ever faire performance was at Idyllwild in 2021, & after the surprise cancellation in 2023 (BOOO THE BOY SCOUTS), we were unsure whether it could rise from the ashes—BUT RISE IT DID! & the patrons returned as a JOLLY HORDE. We saw many old friends, in guises new & old. We struck deals with fae (a riddle in exchange for wings), & learned that we knew them in other forms at previous faires! What a delight. We also encountered THE Gandalf, a toad-bearing fairy, a noble with the finest ascot ever seen, many mushroom-folk, & even a pleather-worker who clearly loved short-form improv.

From top left: ASL interpreter Melissa; Muco & his crew; fiddler Ireland; & Nathan Soundmaster

But faires run not on patrons & wizards alone! A heroic team worked, down to the wire, to resurrect Idyllwild in a brand-new location. Roy & his family poured their all into bringing the event back, along with Arn & his dedicated team, & William manning the HQ tent through a variety of random challenges (including some annoyed right-wing bikers…). I would like to give an especial thanks to the new entertainment director, Laena, who wrangled 10,000 cats into putting on the first faire we have ever seen where NO act ran over time, & NO schedules changed, & EVERYONE on the entertainment side were PAID with ZERO HASSLE. WE THANK YE, LAENA!

We also thank returning Soundmaster NATHAN, who is the absolute best sound tech around. When we tell futures, he adds sound effects. When a stage needs some adjustment, he pitches in with us to shift things around. & when we throw fireballs, sometimes he falls dead, being the only sound tech I know who also does STUNTS.

In addition, this year Idyllwild featured MELISSA, a longtime ren faire patron & worker who interprets in ASL! She signed for two of our shows, & kept pace even as we rattled off strange new phrases like “Three-hearted Moon-men” & “the rising secondary language known as Japanno-French” & “Horseshoes are out, and in, is horse-men, who are only horse on top, & they demand carrots.” Not only did she enhance the accessibility & inclusivity of the faire, she was also a quick & fun performer, who very kindly allowed us to tease her & make her part of our shows.

Ren faires ought to be welcoming spaces, for ALL KIND MORTALS. When it comes to accessibility, this can present a challenge, as faires often take place in more natural settings, with fewer built-in accommodations for mortals with physical disabilities. But with a bit of planning, & hiring the right folks, it means even more mortals & their families can enjoy these events! At Shasta, for example, they add ramps over some of the trickier areas, which any faire could do. & adding ASL interpreters like Melissa, would be fantastic at any faire as well! We hope that Idyllwild brings Melissa back, adds enough to her team to cover every show, & that more faires begin to take disability accommodation into account during their planning.

Before I wrap up, I must also thank our SPECIAL GUESTS. Cutie Berry sadly could not join us this weekend, but we were introduced to the amazing MUCO THE BARD & his merry bardic band! He sang for us in OLD ENGLISH, the classic Caedmon’s hymn, at our shows on Saturday. We then partied with the crew into the night, which included much MUSICAL IMPROV, as well as SWORDFIGHTING. Summersbane surprised a blademaster with a couple of tricky stabs, but thankfully, egos were set aside, & Summersbane then even received some tutelage to further enhance his sword-skills.

& on Sunday, at the last show of the faire (we were THE CLOSERS!), viola-bearing fiddler-fairy IRELAND (real name) sat down to watch, & then kindly jumped up to provide musical accompaniment & stings during the last future-tellings of the faire. Muco & Ireland are both newcomers to performing at faire, & we are so grateful that Laena & the team created such a welcoming atmosphere for new folk!

We have much more to tell—of royal processions, of children with strange questions, of mead-stealing hornets, of Merry Wives & Stoddard stalwarts—but those tales we shall share on the air! Our stream returns this Friday at 8PM Pacific; Summersbane must away on necromantic business, but then he shall rejoin me on the 11th. Expect MUCH REMINISCING this week & next!

Thank ye to all who came out to see us this weekend, to all who read these dispatches, & to the growing coven of generous mortals who grace us with tips, stickers, ritual golf balls (we have them, David, secret & safe), subscriptions & bits on Twitch, and $5 monthly here on the Scriptorium, all to support our works. ‘Tis thanks to all thy support, in all forms, that we are able to travel to these faires in comfort, maintain our wardrobes, supply our camp pantry, & take care of all the myriad costs that arise when living the lives of wandering minstrel-mages.

There are rumors that the Yule faire may return to Idyllwild; if so, trust that we SHALL BE THERE. Until then, we shall see ye every Friday live at 8PM Pacific! Expect more details of this week’s stream on Wednesday, back on the normal morning-time. Be safe, be well, & remember, WIZWORLD IS FOREVER!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Weary But In A Nice Way

I am talking to the mannequin, but I am thinking of Oprah’s delicious & affordable hot dogs


or to participate.