Idyllwild: Resurrection — Part I

Notes & images from the first day!

Two deeply serious wizards

MORTALS—forgive, I beg, my tardiness! We blasted our way through three shows at the resurrected Idyllwild faire, then partied long into the night with new friends! A tardiness borne of joy, I assure thee.

Astonishingly, OVER 1000 BEINGS attended the faire on Saturday! Truly incredible for a small faire atop a mountain that is near NOTHING AT ALL. We foreold over 30 futures, entertained over 200 audience mortals, & took SEVERAL SHOWERS.

The mortal known to many as “Booty Slapper”

We were lucky to reunite with old friends, & forge new alliances. In particular, fortunate to meet MUCO THE BARD. He can sing in many tongues, including OLD ENGLISH, & kindly joined us as a special musical guest!

Imagine ye are hearing Caedmon's Hymn

Also, we met a cardinal. That cardinal had consumed an enormous potion known as a “BuzzBall Biggies Tequila'Rita,” which contains enough caffeine, alcohol, & shame to bury a monastery. That cardinal was later arrested! REN FAIRES ARE CHAOS.

L TO R: A kind gentleman we once knew from San Francisco, and an alleged cardinal

I shall write ye in the morn, with more images, thoughts on the beauty of Idyllwild & the beauty of ren faires! But I must be off—we are needed onstage!

Thank ye for reading, to all who read & share these dispatches, timely or not, & of course to the kind beings who can & do subscribe with $5 monthly to support our works!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Faire-Lover


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