Idyllwild checklist!

PLUS—a special TRIVIA appearance!

HO, mortals! Preparation continues for this weekend’s triumphant return to the IDYLLWILD FAIRE! We hope to see ye there in Hurkey Creek Park, if ye live nearby—below, find my ESSENTIAL CHECKLIST, for any performer or attendee.

AND, in the meantime, over with our friends at RadioFreeMultiverse, I shall appear TONIGHT at 8PM Pacific as part of WIZARD TRIVIA! Fluval & Intern Apprentice run the most delightful trivia show in the omniverse, & I am HONORED to take part. I beseeched Fluval for the questions ahead of time, that I might sneak hints to my esteemed audience & coven-mates—but he CAST ME INTO THE SEA for my temerity. As I deserved.

PICTURED: Myself & my friends, Saruman & Fluval

Ren Faire Checklist

  1. Tent — For meditating, or if mortal, for slumbering. Preferable to sleeping on the ground in one’s cloak, though, less authentic.

  2. Water — For bathing, hydration, & ritualistic cleansing.

  3. Garb — Both normal (tunic, cloak, Belt of Many Pouches, &c.) & disguise (shorts, T-shirt, cheap shoes assembled by robot). Ye never know when ye may need to appear like a mundane, blithe mortal!

  4. Charged Crystal — Wands, slates, orbs, & so forth will need re-powering while at faire, but wellsprings of energy are hard to come by on a faire-ground. Bring a repository with ye!

  5. Sunscreen — To preserve natural skin, artificial skin, & natural skin refashioned into lich-wrappings.

  6. Tarot Deck with One Specific Card Missing — That way, if ye meet a stranger ye suspect is the Devil, ye can ask him to draw a card. If he draws the one ye left at home, he is indeed the Devil!

  7. Tarot Deck, Regular — For fun.

  8. Dice — For fun, & gambling.

  9. A Positive Disposition — Grumpiness will not serve ye well at faire. The grumpy are often executed.

  10. Cash — Renaissance faires hearken back to a time before debit cards, in many ways. Both in terms of not having sufficient digital point-of-sale devices, & also, in that many shops welcome HAGGLING. So bring coin, to ensure ye get ale, & to ensure ye get fresh boots at a REASONABLE PRICE.

Did I forget anything, mortals? Let me know in a comment below, if so! I hope to see ye on the mountain this weekend, or tonight at Grand Trivia, or Friday in our behind-the-scenes livestream!

Thank ye for reading, to all who read & share these dispatches, & of course to the kind beings who can & do subscribe with $5 monthly to support our works! I shall write ye late on Saturday with some photos from the first day of the faire!! Until then, be safe, be well, & re-read this missive for trivia hints! I did not include any, but perhaps, ye shall find some anyway? MERRY HINT-HUNTING!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Faire-Enjoyer


or to participate.