In The House of Tom Bombadil

Plus—the Podcast Returneth!

Hey dol, mortal dol, let’s visit Tom Bombadil-lo! On our march to Episode 200, en route to Minas Teslul, we stop by the homely house of my old friend Tom Bombadil in search of good cheer! Let us hope he has some, for the battles ahead loom darkly. Come along Friday at 8PT, & bring a song on thy lips! Or at least some rhymes. SONG OR RHYMES, BE THERE!

In other news—OUR PODCAST RETURNETH! The first 2024 episode of our audio podcast features the wretched EVILIENNE DARKLORD, LANDLORD! Find the WizWorld LIVE Podcast on EVERY PLATFORM, or also, conveniently right here at this link!

I thought a shorter update would suffice today, after the GRAND EPIC TALE on Monday! Have ye read it? What did ye think? Would ye like more such adventures? LET US KNOW. In the meantime, I hope to see ye with us Friday at 8PT on Twitch! It should be a grand delight—& I shall write ye again come Saturday, with some fresh magicks.

Thank ye for reading; thank ye for thy patronage & fellowship. Please share the wonders with a friend, if ye have not already, & please consider supporting these grand works for $5 monthly, if ye do not already. Have a marvelous week, mortals!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Reluctant Sing-a-dong-a-ding-o

Evilienne Darklord, in her tenant’s mirror

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