Happy Easter? + Bombadil Recap-a-dillo

Hey dol, merry dol, I found a giant creme egg

Summersbane, in his element (cold & describing anime)

Hey dol! merry dol! Show went well a-dillo!
Peter Jackson’s still a coward, but we get why he cut Tom Bombadil-lo!
We sang a lot & ranked anime, & he sent us to Orthanc! Illo!

Tom Bombadil is older than the trees, & apparently a bit petty

If ye missed out, catch the replay over on Twitch! & next week, we must escape from atop Orthanc—but Saruman is not exactly our friend. Tune in to watch us BE POLITE OR PERISH! In the meantime—

Happy Easter!

I mustn’t look a gift Creme Egg in the mouth…

Easter! A fascinating holiday—part seasonal nature celebration, part miraculous commemoration, morphed now into pastels & chocolate & cute baby animals. A nice day, all things considered! As the long shadows of evil creep into every corner of life, ‘tis important to find days that can be simply nice. Even I fall prey to mopey cynicism, atimes. On my annual hunt for creme eggs, I find a gigantic one in the woods, with a nice card, & my first instinct tells me to suspect a trap…but I should be more mindful of nice, ne?

Which is not to say evil takes the holiday off, nor that suffering can be simply paused—but it is to say, that I hope ye can spend this Easter in comfort & chocolate; I hope the world bathes ye in pastels & pleasantries, for at least one day. I hope, that is, that thy Sunday is nice.

I shall write ye again come Monday with a new adventure! We thank ye all who read these, & we thank ye all who support us with $5 monthly. Our friends & fans are truly, in a word, nice.

Easterly cheers,
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Egg-Hunter

Bright blue his jacket is, & his boots are SOOOO yellow

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