Ghosts, Studs, & Tranquility

Wistful Wishful Thinking

Ronnie Coleman (Ghost, not Bodybuilder)

OYEZ, studs of all stripes!

If ye missed last night’s show, ye missed REVELRY UNTOLD. We learned so much of Stud City, of Hell, of Johnny Cash & Leon—we read the Stud News, christened a Stud of the Week, & earnestly disrespected FOUL VALHALLA. if ye could not watch along live, or wish to relive the delights, ye can click here to watch the replay! I, truly, could not have had more fun. Our guest, Dom (cohost of Country Brothers) is one of the most delightful improvisers on this plane or any other.

But, I wish never to stoop to mere promotion. I always seek to make opening these missives worth thy time, to provide entertainment & interest. Today, amidst the rancor & horrors of the times, I wish to provide a bit of TRANQUILITY.

& so I stand, in a green quiet glade, chanting:

Peace & Stillness
These I wish thee
Though the world arrays against us
Though suffering surrounds us
Moments of peace & stillness
Grant the power to fight on
Catch thy breath
Relax thy spine
Then back we go, ‘til justice we find

Mushy, I know, but I suspect many of ye could use it, & what is the point of this an I cannot grow mushy from time to time? To wash out the mush, again, watch last night’s replay. Studly worldbuilding, many Val Venis jokes, the works!

I thank our guest Dominique Johnson for joining us last night, I thank all who read these messages & watch along with us, and I thank most deeply all those who can & do support our work with $5 monthly. If ye ever have enjoyed any of these, I hope ye will consider supporting us, or spreading the word with thine “referral link,” shown at the bottom of this very electronic mail!

We shall return next week with another brand new episode, the PENULTIMATE BROADCAST before the GRAND BATTLE SEASON FINALE! Before then, I shall write ye Monday with fresh art & tales. Stay safe & well, mortals, & I hope peace finds ye…

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Tender-Hearted Stud

Magick for peace, what a concept…

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