On Feeling Cornered

plus news of the premium & referral programs!

A wizard, in dashing cape, glares defiantly at unseen foes, though he is up against a wall. "CANNOT GET OUT" is painte upon the wall in blood. A king's skull, with crown, lies upn the ground. But the wizard's wand shimmers, & above, we can see he's summoning an escape portal.

Nowhere to run—time to fly, instead

In the course of my adventures, I have found myself backed into many a corner—kings & fools may fold—but the wise know how to craft an unexpected exit! The bastards never think to look UP. Have ye ever made an artful escape from a sticky situation? TELL ME THY TALES, below in the comments! 🧙‍♂️🎇

I think, many mortals now feel cornered every single day. The systems of this world seem Hell-bent on hounding everyone without the wealth to be in charge. ‘Tis a sad state of affairs, but we mustn’t let them win! We all must become practiced in the arts of escapery, for ourselves, but especially for our friends, family, & neighbors. Evading the bastards & their bludgeons becomes much easier when we help each other!

The PREMIUM UPGRADE option has now been activated. For $5 every month, ye can help keep this project alive, fund equipment upgrades, help us travel to faires, & ensure we can finish works like Fishman: The Musical: The Film! If ye subscribe to us on Twitch, switching to subscribing on the blog means thy support goes DOUBLE. Greedy Bezos takes HALF of all subscription monies, but on here, we get the coins as intended! Visit this link to upgrade: https://blog.wizworldlive.com/upgrade

In addition, we now have a REFERRAL PROGRAM. If ye send a link to a friend, distant relative, or bitter foe, & they subscribe (for free!), ye can accumulate REWARDS. Currently they are a custom ode, a free month of UPGRADE, & a free sheet of stickers. More will come—but please, do spread the word! We cannot escape the horrid algorithms without help from our coven, but ESCAPE WE SHALL. The referral information is just below. Gratias ago for all the support, community, & magick. ONWARD WE GO—TOGETHER!


“A Dream of No Spring”
Winter thaws too soon—perhaps a sacrifice may hold it back? & so a horrid symbol of Spring, yon Base-Ball, shall spill its mud upon my altar! If that does not work, well, I brought along two pre-bagged backup bastards🧙‍♂️🗡️⚾

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