Episode 200 Celebration: The Council of Hellrunes!

Plus, a Call for Memories!

OYEZ, mortals—this Friday marks the 200TH EPISODE of WizWorld LIVE! We shall celebrate FOUR YEARS of FUN! MUSIC! MAGICK! Tune in for amazing guests, incredible animations, & sit in on the COUNCIL OF HELLRUNES as we decide how best to put an end to the threat of the ELON HUSKS! That is correct, my mortals, even on our anniversary specials, we remain a magickal talk show with STORY.

AND—our show would be nothing without all of THEE. Our dear viewers, readers, fans, coven members! & so I wish to gather MEMORIES. Not for any nefarious purpose, I promise—though I cannot speak for Summersbane. If ye have any favorite moments or commercials from the show thus far, from our 200 episodes, please leave a comment here, or send me a raven, or send the instagoblins a message on Instagram, & let us know! I wish to share those during the broadcast, & perhaps even retrieve them from the depths of time, if I can…

SO! I hope ye shall join us, Friday at 8PM Pacific on Twitch! Tell every friend ye have, tell friends ye have yet to make, to join us for a once-in-an-immortal-lifetime anniversary! & gaze below at the AMAZING ARRAY of guests—with more yet to come. SEE YE FRIDAY!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Two-Hundredaire

The Astounding lineup—with more yet to come!

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