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- By the Mountain's Glow
By the Mountain's Glow
The looming crag above the world

MORTALS—I write ye this Monday under the GLOWING MOUNTAIN. Mountains, of course, normally emit no light whatsoever; when in the course of nature they chance to glow, ‘tis due to SPEWING LAVA. Due to doom, in other words. & this mountain, glowing unnaturally as it does, threatens doom as well.
Chaos—disaster—death—doom—all these & more, it presents. In its light, every tragedy, keener; every joy, fleeter. I sometimes feel as if we all stand ‘neath a Glowing Mountain, now, with every bleaker day that passes. Whether of flames, or floods, or foul luck for loved ones, gloom seems to stalk every hour of this wicked era.
What are we to do?
We must not despair. We cannot kneel before the Glowing Mountains. In this hazy, hotter future, we must depend on each other. Down in the City of Angels, firefighters have crossed borders to battle the flames, while the nobility threaten war upon them. The poor band together, offering food & shelter, while the nobility seek to suckle profits.
We must stand—all together—against this world of unnatural disaster. We must stand against a villainous society that floods its streets with poisons & fear, that bathes us all in distress, that slams us with gales of ill fortune ‘til it feels that we shall break.
ᚠᚩᚱᛋᛖᚩᚦ—reject despair, despise it. Why let that bastard win?
I rarely strike such a gloomy tone, mortals, & I hope it spoils not thy morning, but the mood struck me so. Summersbane & I remain safe from the flames; & we appreciate all thy thoughts & company. I also must thank the kind mortals who continue to support our works with tips & subscriptions & upgrades here in the Scriptorium; and the ones who very kindly donated to the fundraiser for Jordan Mitchell, who lost his family & his home in the Eaton fire.
I shall write ye come Wednesday with news of this week’s show—& on Friday I hope ye shall join together with us as we stand in good & spiteful cheer against the various Glowing Mountains looming over us. ‘Til then—be safe, be well, & be kindly.
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, ᚠᚩᚱᛋᛁᛖᚻᚦ