A Branded Night-recap + Thoughts on Foul Money

Money, vile paradox!


The Rite of Ostar-Ads raised up MANY BRANDS! If ye missed it, consume the high-value synergistic replay IMMEDIATELY right here! We brought news as the brands commanded, reviewed branded weapons of war (including the most dangerous—MAN), & spread the gospel of corporate profits FAR & WIDE. At least, until the final third of the show, when Ostar-Ads ENDED & the LORE BEGAN! We cast the brands aside, cursed their names, & undertook an animated journey—truly, if ye missed, YE MUST WATCH! One wonders why more streamers fail to ever cast brands aside & curse their names? Why would anyone earnestly like a mega-corporation? I know not—but I know true that we have our mission for the rest of the season! In addition, I have below some thoughts on the very concept of MONEY. Read on!

I journeyed in search of LORE

On Foul, Vile Money

An ill-fated attempt to heist the Concept of Money

Money, money, money—I remember mortals before it! Ye were happier, then. Hungrier, a bit, but spending absolutely zero of thy time chasing around numbers. Then the crowns started, & the palaces, & ‘twas all over but the debting. I think, broadly, most of ye would be happy if ye got rid of the Concept of Money entirely. Gifts, exchanges, trade, they all work fine without it. Better, truly, for nations would not starve for lack of access to a loan. Billionaires could not even exist! Picture a world without money, & ye picture automatically a world without billionaires. Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos would be simple yeomen, applying their dull wits to the everyday basics—is that not a better world?

Alas, we live in this money-pit together, for now. I truly loathe asking for money, Summersbane loathes asking for it. We are not salesmen, not by trade nor temperament. Particularly, not when asking friends & coven members—SO: if ye know any millionaires, billionaires, or other dilettantes sitting upon piles of ill-gotten gains, SEND THEM OUR WAY. We would sap them of their riches, & with those riches, usher in a WORLD WITHOUT MONEY. Using, of course, skeleton armies, who place no value in paper & coin. A fine dream…

In the meantime—I thank ye for reading, for watching OSTAR-ADS last night, & I hope ye will join us again next Friday at 8PT for another episode on the March to 200! We strive to be worthy of thy friendship & patronage, & I hope ye agree. Please, send this newsletter along to a friend (billionaire or not), & please also consider supporting our work with $5 monthly right here, until we achieve a moneyless paradise.

I shall write ye again Monday with the conclusion of Summersbane’s adventures with Betty C.R.O.C.K.E.R.! Enjoy the weekend, be safe, & take a moment this weekend to scorn a brand, won’t ye?

Amoenus Franco
Writer, Wizard, Adventurer pro Bono

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