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- Beltane Already?
Beltane Already?
Embrace the new Chaotic Wheel!

Blessèd Beltane, mortals!
Eh? Beltane? Already? Have I…gone mad?
NAY—or, at least, my mage-madness has not impacted my ability to keep time! Though set firmly on May 1st nowadays, Beltane marks the ending of Spring! The beautiful time of TRANSHUMANCE, driving those cattle out of their Winter pastures to their Summer ones. I know not the weather where ye live, friendly reader, but ‘round the depths of California, Summer arrived early, with much baggage. So, why keep the aos sí waiting for May 1st?
The Wheel of the Year has e’er spun as it wished; but now, thanks to worldwide mortal-madness for metal & wheels, the seasons spin & shudder in ways we cannot foresee. Lashing the major seasonal celebrations—Beltane, Lughnasadh, Imbolc—to Caesar’s calendar makes less & less sense as the future marches on. We must learn to mark the seasons as they come, & adapt to the new CHAOTIC WHEEL OF THE YEAR!
(Samhain, however, shall have to stay put. Sorry, Samhain! October 31st is simply too stubborn.)
At any rate, an early Bealtaine, in particular, may feel a bit silly—but is Boaldyn not already a bit silly? Just look at how many ways it can be spelt! Plus, the primary activities are lighting bonfires, hoisting maypoles, & then dancing about the bonfires & maypoles. For instance: see ME, up there, capering about! O, what a Beltane buffoon! A veritable Beltaniac! Could ye truly scold such a silly-smiling sorcerer for bouncing about on the slightly “wrong” date?
As a bonus, if ye have friends who insist on sticking with May 1st, ye can caper with them on that evening as well! Two Beltanes, twice the frivolity! Ye need all the frivolity ye can get, frankly, so take the double-helping! Darkness looms in every corner, but gathering together ‘round a bonfire shoves the shadows back a step, at least for a magickal night (or two).
I hope my joy & capering find ye well this week, mortals! Thank ye to all who read, who spread the word, who have fun along with us at our shows, & who support our work in the manifold & marvelous ways ye do. If ye enjoy our wizardry, I hope ye may consider feeding our dweomers with $5 monthly, if ye do not already! I shall write ye come Wednesday with news of this week’s episode. Until then, keep those wicker men at the ready, & thy dancin’ boots oiled!
Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Calendrical Heretic