Announcing, La Galerie Abyssale!

PLUS: Summersbane's RNC Remarks

Dare ye peruse the puzzling pieces of la GALERIE ABYSSALE? In our wanderings of the DEMONWEB, we stumbled upon an art gallery curated by a mysterious being (GODDAMN Emily Anne, of RadioFreeMultiverse’s Grand Trivia & MORE). Will we survive? Will we escape? Will we decide a piece is evocative, yet somehow, jejune? TUNE IN FRIDAY & find out! Bring thy best monocles, mortals…

Before I leave ye to ponder the concept of non-Euclidean sculpture, I must address Summersbane’s remarks at the Republican National Convention this week. Many ravens, soul-slugs, & Hermes himself brought me missives, full of angry calls to distance myself from Summersbane, & to cancel our Abyssal tour, much as Jack Black has done.

Some decried Summersbane’s rhetoric, his calls for “a legion of flayers” to “descend upon America” with “efficiency, red & raw.” Others complained that his promises of “a bone-tide from Hell,” & “one final abortion to end birth for all time,” sounded like calls for violence. These remarks are, of course, absolutely in-of-character for him, & sound precisely like things he would say. Moreover, they are things the average Republican politician now says, & Summersbane blended right in! Every RNC speaker calls for violence!

THUS: unlike the craven Jack Black, I stand by my boon companion. Aye, some of his remarks sound scary, & a few found them in poor taste. But he collected 347 new souls this weekend, sliced the skin-flesh of a dozen GOPist creatures, & tripped Rudy Giuliani—was that not worth it? Would ye have me end our partnership, to placate right-wing ghouls? (Literally, ghouls—the man-eating monsters run most GOP events). I think not! Let yellow-bellied Jack Black jibble & jabble for fear of losing Republican ticket sales. No such cowardice shall ye hear from me.

Besides! I cannot cancel our Abyssal tour, for we are TRAPPED IN THE DEMONWEB, with no path yet of escape. So tune in Friday at 8PT as we enter the latest dangerous doorway, in la GALERIE ABYSSALE! Thank ye to all who read these dispatches; thank ye to all who stand by us despite centrist & Republican hand-wringing; & thank ye to those who can & do provide $5 monthly to support our dark works.

I shall write ye again Saturday morning, after our tour of la Galerie! Until then, be safe, be well, & be brave in the face of the chaos! We shall persevere yet, if we persevere together

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Docent di Tutti i Docenti


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