An Anti-Oligarch Hoeup

PLUS: The Democrats' latest ad

Afternoon, mortals! Thank ye for creating such a warm & wild atmosphere at the show last night! If ye missed the hoedowns & the shanty, if ye missed Summersbane’s new vest, if ye missed Witch News & He-Wiz, catch the replay right here!

& below, find an urgent message from the Democratic Party, regarding their relationship to the needy public.

Powerful Democrats & several viewers requested that this advertisement be made available immediately; the InstaGoblins sacrificed themselves overnight to fulfill the demand! Please be sure all ye know hear the Democratic Party’s powerful message:

Thank ye for reading, mortals! & thank ye to the kind & generous beings who powered us through a “Hype Train” last night, & who support our works with coin right here in the Scriptorium!

I shall write ye again Monday, with fresh art & a tale. ‘Til then—be safe, be well, & remember: ask nothing of the Democrats, & they shall never disappoint!

Amoenus Franco
Wizard, Writer, Hoedownist


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